Memory Mapping Kosovo #2 – Second atelier


The second atelier of the Memory Mapping Kosovo#2 was held during 15th to 17th of May 2015. The atelier subjected the research, work and discussion over the Miners Monument 1973 in Mitrovica and the social history of the city, elaborating important topics such as labor, economy, culture and politics.

Main leaders in this workshop were Dr. Nita Luci – anthropologist, and Prof. Vjollca Krasniqi – sociologist. The first day of the atelier consisted on field visit to the Miners Memorial 1973 in Mitrovica and meeting with Milos Damjan to discuss the Second World War and the Jewish community in Mitrovica. The second and third days of the atelier were focused on research work, reading sessions, discussion and drawing conclusions about the subject of study: Miners Monument, Yugoslav Socialism, Working Class, Labor, Culture and Politics.

Atelier “Mitrovica – A social history of a city: Labor, culture, and politics” – gathered around 13 participants – students at University of Prishtina and international civil society activists. The project Memory Mapping Kosovo#2 (MMK#2-2015) is implemented in close partnership between forumZFD – Kosovo Program, Alter Habitus – Institute for Studies in Society and Culture, and University Program for Gender Studies and Research, University of Prishtina. Photography and Editing: Korab Krasniqi (and participants in the project)

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