Elife (Eli) Krasniqi has earned her BA in Sociology at the University of Prishtina and her MA in Sociology at the New School for Social Sciences in New York. She is a PhD candidate in Southeast History and Anthropology at the University of Graz, Austria. For more than fifteen years she is civil society activist in Kosovo, where through NGOs, she conceptualized, developed and led projects mainly on gender issues. She is a co-founder and director of Alter Habitus – a feminist institute for studies in society and culture in Prishtina.
Elmaze (Eli) Gashi is a sociologist with 15 years of experience in international foundations, nongovernmental organizations, and governmental agencies. In her recent position as Deputy Director for World Learning, Eli manages a USAID funded program which seeks to improve higher education in Kosovo as well as to create a cadre of new leaders through the scholarships program. Eli studied sociology at the New School for Social Sciences in New York. He oversees experience includes working with the press office of the New York State Attorney General. is a sociologist with 15 years of experience in international foundations, nongovernmental organizations, and governmental agencies. In her recent position as Deputy Director for World Learning, Eli manages a USAID funded program which seeks to improve higher education in Kosovo as well as to create a cadre of new leaders through the scholarships program. Eli studied sociology at the New School for Social Sciences in New York. He oversees experience includes working with the press office of the New York State Attorney General.
Shkumbin Brestovci is an independent entrepreneur in the field of open technologies. For four years Mr. Brestovci worked for Philips Speech Processing, Vienna, Austria. Over the years, Brestovci used his math and language skills in various projects, including the translation of Peter Bartl – Albanien (1998) and working as freelance programmer and web developer in Vienna. Mr. Brestovci is an expert in web developing. The academic achievements of Mr. Brestovci include studies in Mathematics in Kassel, Germany and Prishtina (1989-1990), and General Linguistics in Vienna, Austria.
Petrit Bytyqi studied Information Technology and is now finishing a Bachelor in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Prishtina. He participated in many online services projects such as: dokufest.com, bubrrecat.com, kosovomemory.org, weniff.com and alterhabitus.com. In the field of cultural anthropology, Bytyqi is engaged in research projects in anthropology.atkosovo.com, participatory research and special publications of the National Library of Kosova ‘Woman’s Share,’ DokuFest, CSGD.
Board Members:
Lura Limani is an editor, writer and researcher from Prishtina, Kosovo. She is the editor-in-chief of Prishtina Insight, an English-language online magazine produced by Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN, Kosovo and the editor of the independent zine Lirindja. She studied sociology, cultural studies, and comparative literature in Prishtina, New York and Freiburg and is currently a fellow at the Institute for the Studies of Human Rights at Columbia University in the City of New York.
Gjylbehare Bella Murati holds a PhD in Law from Ghent University, Belgium, LL.M. from Essex University in United Kingdom and B.A in Law from Universities of Prishtina, Kosovo, and Utrecht, the Netherlands. Murati currently teaches at two law schools in Kosovo, at the Law School of the University of Haxhi Zeka in Peja and at the European School of Law and Governance in Prishtina Kosovo. She is also associate postdoctoral research fellow at Human Rights Centre in Ghent, Belgium. In 2015, she was a visiting lecturer at European inter-university center for Human Rights and Democratization in Venice Lido, Italy.
Tahir Latifi has finished his PhD studies at the University of Graz, Center for History and Anthropology of the Southeastern Europe. Since the October of 2015 he is a lecturer at the Department of Antrhopology, University of Prishtina and also AAB College. In the period of September 2010 until November 2013, he’s worked as a scientific researcher in the Center of History and Anthropology in the Southeastern Europe in the University of Graz. Since 2001 to 2004 he’s been an assistant professor at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Prishtina. Tahir Latifi’s research areas are studies and research in: family, kinship, social politics, customary law and social-cultural changes.
Delina Fico is a leader and manager with experience in the field of civil society development, gender equality, advocacy, individual and institutional development, strategic development, public education and fundraising. In the last 29 years, Delina has worked as a leader, manager and specialist for non-profit organizations, companies, public institutions, academic institutions and Albanian and foreign intergovernmental organizations in Albania, Kosovo, USA, Caucasus and Central Asia, including East West Management Institute , Chemonics International, World Learning for International Development, IREX, New School for Social Research (in USA and their programs in Kosovo, Serbia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan); as well as the University of Tirana, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Women’s Center (Albania).
Delina has served and serves as a board member or chair in a number of nonprofit organizations and networks in Albania, Kosovo, USA and Poland, including the East-West Women’s Network and the Albanian American Women’s Association (USA), the Open Society Foundation in Albania, the women’s association “Refleksione” (Albania), the LGBT People’s Sheltering House (Albania), the Kosovo Women’s Group Network, etc.
Delina holds a Master in Political Science and a Master in Management in Non-Profit Sector, both from the New School for Social Research (New York), and a Certificate of PhD Studies from Clemson University (South Carolina, USA). Delina has taught at the University of Tirana and New York University in New York and has published articles in magazines and newspapers on gender issues and the civil society. Delina currently works as a Director for Civil Society Programs for the American East West Management Institute and resides in Tirana.
Ardiana Shala graduated in psychology at „Freie Universität“ of Berlin in 2012. She worked for many years in the NGO-s sector as a counsultant and researcher in basic education and peace building through early childhood education and protection of human rights. Her social aktivism in particular for gender equality also includes her writing for different social topics mainly published in the blog „S’bunker“. Her literary writing have been published in few anthologies in the region as well in Europe. Curently she works as a youth and family counselor/psychotherapist with people with dissabilities and other marginalised groups in the society. Her research interest lies in understanding better the complexity of dealing with trauma in a post-war country.