Pessoa Evening
Fragments from Fernando Pessoa’s “Book of Disquiet” read by its translator Gazmend Bërlajolli – 22 July 2010
Read by: Gazmend Bërlajolli
Fernando Pessoa (1988-1935) is a famous Portuguese modernist of the early 20th century, left in the labyrinth of oblivion for almost half a century after his death. However, in the last two decades he has started to re-emerge in the literary scene, not only in Portugal, but throughout the world (Ars magazine “Më folni për shqetësimin!”)
Gazmend Bërlajolli is a linguist, editor and translator. He has finished his Bachelor studies for Linguistics in University College London and his Master’s studies in the University of Prishtina. He is an editor in the Rrokullia publishing house and works as an independent translator and interpreter. He also teaches writing skills to journalists and Albanian to foreigners. He mostly writes articles about Albanian linguistic issues.