Memory Mapping Kosovo: Retrieving the Past
ForumZFD – Kosovo Program, Alter Habitus – Institute for Studies in Society and Culture, Oral History Kosovo, University Program for Gender Studies and Research and University of Prishtina during September 15th & 16th, 2015 organized a two-day event, an interdisciplinary, critical, and collaborative initiative “Memory Mapping Kosovo: Retrieving the Past”.
The event included a master class by Professor Alessandro Portelli – a world’s leading oral historian and scholar – a closed seminar, and a book workshop. The master class titled “Retrieving the Past: Conversation with Sources” by Alessandro Portelli (professor emeritus at University of Rome and guest professor at Columbia University and Princeton) took place on September 15th, 2015 at National Library of Kosovo from 10:00 – 13:00.
Prof. Portelli spoke in front of a wide audience about Oral History as a fieldwork-based research method, dialogic experiences, the uses of memory and interviewing as relationship, and interpretation of oral history documents as narratives of subjectivity. On the same day, from 15:00 – 18:00, scholars, researchers, students and members of civil society were gathered in a closed session titled “Memory Mapping Kosovo Seminar” to discuss, present and reflect on topics related to memory and oral history.
Presentations and conversation in this seminar included topics such as: Religion & Peace Building, Art and activism in Kosovo/Art of Resistance, Marginal Narratives from Wartime and Peace, Border Studies – The Intergenerational Memory, The (dark) past as a tourist attraction, The Amanet – from cultural reproduction to national obligation, Political motherhood and activism during ’90s, Kosovo Oral Histories, etc.
The seminar was held at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Prishtina. On September 16th, 2015, participants of the event met again, now to discuss and conceptualize the publication on memory and oral history in Kosovo. The workshop was held at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Prishtina from 10:00 – 12:00. Photo and Editing: K.Krasniqi